Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Blog Name

Okay, so I've finally been talked into doing this blog thing...(thanks, Jeff, love ya, Jeff). Mostly fear of the unknown has kept me from starting a blog, but so far so good. It's now 10:30 at night, I'm really tired, and I had to think of a name for our family blog; not an easy task. However, I'm actually kind of proud of what I came up with. I wanted something that would easily describe my family, but not use our last name (Bergeson...can't have too much fun with that). So, I figured our family went from 2 people to 5 people in 3 years...hence the name "Two to Five in Three". And I think its kind of catchy too!

1 comment:

Jeff Hamm said...

It's a good name and creative!