Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Halle is 2!!

Happy Birthday, Halle!

Can you believe it...Halle's 2!!! And she'll tell you, "I two...and I get you!" as she comes after you with her pincher fingers to tickle you. Her birthday was actually July 25...I'm just a little behind.
Halle needed nothing more than those little $3.50 flip-flops (3 sizes too big) and that darn binky to make her happy on her birthday. She has been the neighbor flip-flop thief, so I thought I'd get her some of her own so she would stop taking everyone else's...and I think it did the trick. Now she wears her own flip-flops EVERY day ALL day. It's hard to get her to take them off in the house even. She would like the binky every day as well, but it is now limited to naps and bedtime. How will I ever break her of this??? I just don't know.
We had a fun little barbeque party with the family (grammie, pa, casey, aubrey and jack, and some of aubrey's family) to celebrate both Halle's and Jack's birthdays as they share the day. Adam downloaded a bunch of Happy Birthday songs for us to listen to in the background during our party...it was a lot of fun to hear so many versions of the song, and it made the BBQ feel more festive.
Halle is all over being 2! I think she started acting 2 about 2 months ago, so she's had some practice...now it's all about the real thing! Halle is a little talker that will repeat anything and everything you say whether you want her to or not. She is in to flip-flops, purses and babies (dolls)...she's all girl. She loves to talk on the phone, especially to call grandma Dell (I don't know where she gets that from). And she loves doing anything that her big brother, Clate, does...whether he likes it or not (I don't know where she gets that from either). I have to say that I think she is the sweetest, funniest little nut out there...she makes me laugh every day. I just don't know what we would do without her around. We love our little Halle! I hope she had a wonderful day!!


Mindy said...

Hmmm...I posted, but it didn't work. Let's try again. Halle is so cute - she looks like tons of fun. It's such a great age with their ever-expanding vocabulary and comprehension. Ella will be 2 on the 31st, so I'm planning for her party. My mom is coming - so we're very excited! We have the pacifier thing too, but now have it committed to bedtime only. It'll be hard to say goodbye completely.

Toni said...

I still cannot believe that you didn't tell me about your blog!!! I can't believe that Halls is so big! Cute blog background by the way!!!

Aubrey Bergeson said...

I like the background! Now how did you get the music going? I'm jealous.