Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cell Phone

So, today I was out playing catch with Clate and at one point when I threw the ball to him, he ran the other way and said, "Stop! Wait a minute. I have to answer my cell phone." He dug in his pocket (I was wondering what he would pull out) and he pulled out a little play cell phone of Halle's, held it to his ear, and said, "Hi dad!" and proceeded to have a conversation. Luckily it was a short one and when he was done he said to me, "See, I told you I had to answer my cell phone." We then resumed our game of football.

Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this incident. First of all, I'm the last person to drop what I am doing to answer a phone; phone calls just are not that important to me if I'm doing something else, especially something I enjoy. So I don't know where he picked that up from. Should I be worried? Should I laugh about it? Or just not really think anything of it? I don't know. Maybe he's been around Grandma Dell too much...j.k. :)

Anyway, no pics, just thought I'd share that little moment.


Jeff Hamm said...

That's pretty funny! Time to sign him up for a plan!

Mindy said...

Started early, huh? Hey, if you have time, I'd love to see some pictures of your littlest girl!

Toni said...

He cracks me up with the things that he comes up with! R U ready to get your scrap on?

Kendra Leigh said...

I am THRILLED that I found you (through Hna Hamm!). I've been secretly looking for you for, like, YEARS. Where are you? We're in New York City and have 2 girls- I have a blog, but it's currently private. I'll get your email from Rebecca and send you an invite, if you want. :)