Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Uugh, more work?!?

So, yesterday we (me and the kids) had a really great day. We played, went on a walk, they took great naps, after Adam got home we went to dinner at Red Robbin, we came home and they went right to bed. After they were in bed, I got my work done, did some laundry, had a conversation with Adam and then went up to go to bed...only to find this...

The living room...

...and the play room.

Woops, with all the playing, I guess we forgot the cleaning up part. So, I got to spend the next half hour cleaning so I could sleep peacefully knowing that my house wasn't a total wreck.

Then, as I was picking up all the toys and putting our furniture back together...I had a moment of emotions where I was a little overwhelmed with love for my little kiddos. I LOVE spending every day with them, even if they drive me crazy sometimes. I feel so blessed and so fortunate that I get to stay home with them and enjoy them while they are young...these years already seem to be flying by. Speaking of which, Clate starts preschool tomorrow!! When did he grow up??? While I am very excited for him, it does help to put things into perspective a little. It is only 2 days a week for 2-1/2 hours and I think he is going to have so much fun. And I am looking forward to a little more girl time with the Halle and Chloe...I don't get much of that these days....and before I know it they will all be in school and I'll only have a few hours a day to spend with them. Heck, Halle will starts preschool next crazy is that!

Anyway, I love my little bugs!


Aubrey Bergeson said...

You are so gave me a good laugh to see your messy pics. Your right though even when you are exhausted and everything is a disaster, kids are the best thing that will ever happen to you. Your such a good Mom. I'll call you soon, and we'll have to come over. Sorry this week got a little hectic. Take care. Aubrey.

Rebecca Pierce said...

I don't know if I've ever been cleaning up our messes and become overwhelmed with emotion for my girls, but I should work on that. I do value messes and know that they mean lots of fun and love is had, but I just don't get a kick out of cleaning.

Rachel said...

Kari, I didn't know you had a blog until I read Rebecca's post about missionary friends! Have you read it? Anyway, get a hold of me soon, we need to talk reunion....

Mindy said...

I love those everyday moments that give you pause to appreciate how wonderful your life is. I love staying home with Ella, too, and getting to hear her new words and witness the big and little accomplishments. Thanks for sharing - 2 seems a bit scary, so it's good to hear that you feel this way with 3!