Thursday, July 3, 2008

What about the kiddos?

I guess its about time for an update on the kiddos. THEY ARE AWESOME!! and growing up so fast. This summer Clate and Halle have totally been into bugs, worms, snails, or anything that moves or makes me squirm. One day I saw Clate and Halle lying on the grass moving slowly across the yard, very fixated on something. I went to check it out and they had found a box elder bug (I think that's what it is called) crawling through the yard...and they watched it crawl the entire way.
Clate and Halle moving their way across the yard.
Can you see it?

Then just a couple of weeks ago we went to go for a walk. We made it about 2 doors down and had to stop to watch a snail. After about 15 minutes, I told the kids that the snail had to go home, so Clate put him in the plants and we got on our way.
Look at that!!
We love snails!

1 comment:

Jeff Hamm said...

Wow, Halle has really grown up! Clate looks about the same, just a little bigger.